October 19

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work? [1.1]


In the first lesson of our , you’ll learn what is and how it works.

Additional Resources

► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2vBOn-szyf73Z3Ll3tCBTRc

What You Need to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing [1.2] ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI5KMVn8YMM

Affiliate Marketing Tutorials ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvJ_dXFSpd2sOqo2q7SzTCizxrMFxZFle

Successful Affiliate Marketing Websites to Learn From ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4v56IRAxOU

Our consists of 16 lessons and will walk you through the process, tactics, and strategies to create your own revenue-generating affiliate site.

There are five modules in the course:

► Module 1 talks about affiliate marketing basics.
► Module 2 is on finding and qualifying affiliate niches and programs.
► Module 3 is about planning your affiliate site.
► Module 4 talks about content creation for affiliate sites.
► And module 5 is on link building for affiliate sites.

But first, let’s see what affiliate marketing is about.

Affiliate marketing is a business model in which you promote another company’s products using referral links and get compensated with a commission when someone buys a company’s product.

Watch the video to get more detail about how it works in real life.

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Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

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